Tuesday, October 6, 2009

10 ways to slash your grocery bill...

I just have to tell you to click on over to Mummy Deals and watch her 10 part series on slashing your grocery bills. This is really good stuff! Such simple things to do that will make a HUGE difference in your budget. Sure, there are things she addresses that you already do (pat yourself on the back!), but there is so much more here that you could easily implement!

Run on over and check her site out! It'll be worth it! (And she has a great accent to boot!)

Wordless Wednesday: The Sea of Galilee

My husband & I took a trip to Egypt and Israel with a group from our church in 2007. These pictures are of the Sea of Galilee...we were blessed enough to be able to take a boat on it, as well!

Friday, October 2, 2009


It is STUCK! STUCK, I tell you!!!

You don't know how bad I wanted to insert 50 cents for a bottle of water I didn't need, just to push A1 and get TWO bottles! I really had to reign myself in. I just wanted the deal of a two-fer-one, y'know? Now, if it would have been Hostess Cupcakes or Twinkees--well, that's another story all together, don't you think???